
Tractus-X Knowledge Agent Plane Azure Vault (KA-EDC-AGENT-AZR)

This folder hosts the Default Agent (Data) Plane with Azure Vault access for the Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC).

The module sets up/depends on

For the configuration options, please see the Agent Plane Extension

For a sample configuration including Azure Vault, see this sample properties file


You could invoke the following command to compile and test the Agent Plane

mvn -s ../../../settings.xml install

Deployment & Usage


You could invoke the following command to build the Agent Plane

mvn -s ../../../settings.xml install -Pwith-docker-image

Alternatively, after a sucessful build the docker image of the Agent Plane is created using

docker build -t tractusx//agentplane-azure-vault:1.9.5-SNAPSHOT -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile .

To run the docker image, you could invoke this command

docker run -p 8082:8082 \
  -v $(pwd)/resources/agent.ttl:/app/agent.ttl \
  -v $(pwd)/resources/dataspace.ttl:/app/dataspace.ttl \
  -v $(pwd)/resources/ \
  -v $(pwd)/resources/ \
  -v $(pwd)/resources/ \

Afterwards, you should be able to access the local SparQL endpoint via the browser or by directly invoking a query

curl --request GET 'http://localhost/api/agent?asset=urn:graph:cx:Dataspace&query=SELECT ?senseOfLife WHERE { VALUES (?senseOfLife) { ("42"^^xsd:int) } }' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: foo'